Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
Imperfect person loved by a perfect God :)

Minggu, 20 April 2014

Easter sunday

All right, it's Easter's day everyone. To all my christian friends happy Easter day, Jesus love you so much that he laid down his life to spend eternity with you, wishing you a blessed Easter. (And this is a promise which he himself made to us: eternal life (1 John 2:25)).

This morning i was going to the church to attend sunday services. well, It's different with the normal service because today is Easter sunday, so they are having a live drama with the title "white as snow". It's been a while since i'm not coming to the church due to the tight schedule in my college. i almost forgot how was its like, the feeling of the presence of God.

(There is always a space in our heart that only God can fill )

The best part begin here, the drama that performed by our church friends are incredibly awesome. Each and everyone one of them are playing their roles perfectly. Especially, the one who act as Jesus, i get the feeling that his voice are really suitable for his role. The other part that i love to see is when the children performance part, i found it really cute to see how they speak and act. Yet, they performed it nicely and i feel really amaze to the part when they speaking about some rules which very long. And i was like WOW they did memorize the scripts, that was awesome man.

Well, i can see how much effort that they put in order to performed nicely. The story of the drama is basically about Jesus that die in the cross for human's sins. It's actually the same story year by year. However, this drama is still awesome. well, it is because you can found some humor inside the drama and they even add musical performance inside this drama. I feel really touched by this drama to see their effort to see their performance and the also the most touching part is when Jesus died in the cross.

Here are some of the photos of the performance

All right, time for me to go back to my apartment. i was sleeping in the cars, and suddenly i was awakened by the sound of the thunder. It raining heavily outside, the road is totally blur till we cant see the road.

After passing a particular area, the rain is suddenly stopping. Then, i try to continuing sleeping until i saw this

wait a minute, that is not a cloud. it must be fire. i was like "omg, seriously?" and we are closer to the location

its feel like we are heading to the volcano eruption.

Finally, we passed the fire location and i hope that there is no victims injured or die because of the fire. A few minute after that, i arrived at my apartment. Once again, happy Easter everyone and for those who celebrates.

The End ( I seriously have no idea what i should write to finish my story.....LoL.....)

Minggu, 23 Maret 2014


Finally, here i come to my old blogger. Time goes so fast, isn' it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different? and it's exactly what i feel right now. i just realized its been two years since i open my blogger. Nothing much changes from the last time i open this blog. The only thing that change is my though about how i was before.

A lot of thing has changes since i entering my university life. its kinda of funny the see how i was in the olden day. Yet, i still miss my self in the past. Many people will change as they grow older, it changes how they eat change how they dress, change how they socialize, and so on. I'm not saying saying all but most of people are changed. For example me (clap clap).

As i observed how i write my blog in the olden days, i felt completely mess and horrible (haha). However, i feel like i want to continue to update my blogger as it is a diary of my life. Sometime, there is a moment in our life that we want to capture every single memories that we create. However, most of  the memories we can't help to remember that. Like, two of my favorite quote "Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them." Bob Dylan.  "Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future." - Corrie Ten Boom

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012


Huruf "O" berarti OPPORTUNITY 

Pada kata "YESTERDAY" tidak ad huruf "O" berarti "KEMARIN" sudah tidak ad kesempatan lagi...

Pada kata "TODAY" αda 1 huruf "O" berarti HARI INI msh αda satu kesempatan lagi,..

Pada Kata "TOMORROW" αda 3 huruf "O" berarti BESOK msh αda banyak Kesempatan..

Apapun Kegagalan dan Kesalahan kita,
Selalu αda Kesempatan untuk Menjadi lebih Baik..

Jangan menyerah & jangan melihat kebelakang terus... 
Pelajari hari Kemarin dan perbaiki dihari ini & Esok..

Everything happend for a reason

There's a little truth behind every “just kidding”
There's a little curiosity behind every “Im just asking”
There's a little knowledge in every “nothing”
There's a little emotion behind in every “i dont care”
and a little pain behind every “its okay”.

Because every word that comes out in our mouth has a meaning that wasn’t spelled out in purpose ..

The barber dont believe with god

Si tukang cukur bilang,"Saya tidak percaya TUHAN itu ada".

"Kenapa kamu berkata begitu ???" timpal si konsumen.

"Begini, coba Anda perhatikan di depan sana , di jalanan... untuk
menyadari bahwa TUHAN itu tidak ada.
Katakan kepadaku, jika TUHAN itu ada,
Adakah yang sakit??,
Adakah anak terlantar??
Jika TUHAN ada, tidak akan ada sakit ataupun kesusahan.
Saya tidak dapat membayangkan TUHAN Yang Maha Penyayang akan
membiarkan ini semua terjadi."

Si konsumen diam untuk berpikir sejenak, tapi tidak merespon karena
dia tidak ingin memulai adu pendapat.

Si tukang cukur menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dan si konsumen pergi
meninggalkan tempat si tukang cukur.

Beberapa saat setelah dia meninggalkan ruangan itu dia melihat ada
orang di jalan dengan rambut yang panjang, berombak kasar, gimbal, kotor dan brewok yang tidak dicukur. Orang itu terlihat kotor dan tidak terawat.

Si konsumen balik ke tempat tukang cukur dan berkata, "Kamu tahu,

Si tukang cukur tidak terima," Kamu kok bisa bilang begitu ??".
"Saya disini dan saya tukang cukur. Dan barusan saya mencukurmu!"

"Tidak!" elak si konsumen.
"Tukang cukur itu tidak ada, sebab jika ada, tidak akan ada orang
dengan rambut panjang yang kotor dan brewokan seperti orang yang diluar sana ", si konsumen menambahkan.

"Ah tidak, tapi tukang cukur tetap ada!", sanggah si tukang cukur.
" Apa yang kamu lihat itu adalah salah mereka sendiri, kenapa
mereka tidak datang ke saya", jawab si tukang cukur membela diri.

"Cocok!" kata si konsumen menyetujui. "Itulah point utama-nya!. Sama dengan TUHAN, TUHAN ITU JUGA ADA ! Tapi apa yang terjadi... orang-orang TIDAK MAU DATANG kepada-NYA, dan TIDAK MAU MENCARI-NYA. oleh karena itu banyak yang sakit dan tertimpa kesusahan di dunia ini."

Si tukang cukur terbengong !!!

Human As The book

Manusia seperti Sebuah BUKU....

Cover depan adalah tanggal lahir.
Cover belakang adalah tanggal kematian.

... Tiap lembarnya, adalah tiap hari dalam hidup kita dan apa yg kita lakukan.

Ada buku yg tebal,
ada buku yg tipis.

Ada buku yg menarik dibaca,
ada yg sama sekali tidak menarik.
Sekali tertulis, tidak akan pernah bisa di'edit' lagi.

Tapi hebatnya,
seburuk apapun halaman sebelumnya, selalu tersedia halaman selanjutnya yg putih bersih, baru dan tiada cacat.

Sama dengan hidup kita, seburuk apapun kemarin,
Kita selalu punya kesempatan utk hari yang baru.

Kita selalu punya kesempatan baru untuk melakukan sesuatu yg benar dalam hidup kita setiap harinya dan kita selalu bisa memperbaiki kesalahan kita.

Syukuri hari ini....
dan isilah halaman buku kehidupanmu dgn hal2 yg baik semata.

Supaya pada saat halaman terakhir buku kehidupan itu layak untuk dijadikan teladan bagi anak2 kita dan siapapun setelah kita nanti.

Selamat menulis di buku kehidupanmu,
Menulislah dengan tinta cinta dan kasih sayang, serta pena kebijaksanaan.

Wise love

"Cinta membijakkan orang bodoh, dan membodohkan orang bijak."

Mungkin itu sebabnya, kita melihat orang-orang sederhana menemukan belahan jiwa masing-masing, dan hidup berbahagia dalam keluarga yang rukun dan setia.

Dan pasti itu juga sebabnya, orang-orang bijak nan tenar rontok dari kemuliaannya karena jatuh cinta dengan orang yang salah, atau jatuh cinta dengan cara yang salah.

Hmm ...

"Cinta berpihak kepada ketulusan, bukan kepada nafsu."